Saturday 1 April 2017

The yin and the yang

"I...I...would like to put my fingers on you." Corinne BAILEY-RAE.

There is no greater mystery in this world than the circle of life and the seemingly perfection of the cycle of Nature. Time goes from Midnight to Midnight, Earth goes round and round, Space is finite by our knowledge but infinite per se. People we meet are people we leave, challenges we reach set us on the road to further challenges, what we eat and think become who we are.

Fearing the known

Painting: The scream by E. Munch

There is this constant opposition and immersion of Nature and Nurture in every being. What we were in our younger years surprises us with a come-back later on in our mature life. The saying that what comes naturally cannot be hindered (perfectly summarised in the French language by "Chassez le naturel et il revient au galop") should alert us to what the purpose of our existence is. 

However, "modernity" (i.e MODERN publicITY) expects us to fight our natural instincts, deconstruct our innate principles, dismiss our individual expectations. At the same time, it incites us to run after man-made "ideals" that, although they seem in tune with who we are at a given moment, do not soothe our aspirations for long-lasting (comm)union

Picture of Yin and yang with Nature's landscapes and creatures

I would like to think that I can nail down who everyone is by repeated observations, discussions and socialisation. I also would like to seize the full nature of myself, my identity, my personality. But these aspirations are impossible to satisfy

Who are you?

We, as humans, are as fluid as our environments and our circumstances. My yin is someone's yang only for some time. My vision can find resonance among certain people, but only for some time. All relationships naturally unfold into dissolution. This is by far the harshest truth: to realise that our mortality is not linked to our physical death, but to our death in the minds and thoughts of others, even after decades of shared experiences. 

The good news is that the longer we live, the more we realise that this is also a fact of Nature and that accepting it MAKES SENSE in the long run. So many rejections, heartbreaks, break-ups, separations, divorces on the one hand. Yet, many more crushes, infatuations, friendships, mating games, partnerships and marriages. 

Picture of scales showing chemical balance

"During any chemical reaction no particles are created or destroyed: the atoms are simply rearranged from the reactants to the products." It seems to me that the Conservation of mass is the ultimate ruling principle that overrules individual customs, traditions, religious and spiritual beliefs.

Nature is the sole and only truth in this world: learning the ways of nature is therefore the sole requirement for a meaningful human existence.